
Getting Your Message Across

is all about Pitching, Persuading, Performing – being the best you can be

You may well be an expert in your field, the person who people look to for knowledge, guidance and learning, but if you cannot get your message out there clearly and effectively, then you’re wasting time.  Time which your audience ‘of one’ or ‘of many’, has given you – either way, they will have expectations and you have a responsibility to deliver well!

Maybe you have a speech to prepare and deliver, a major sales presentation to give, an educational talk.  A simple, everyday conversation. What matters most especially when you are not speaking in your own language, is that you maximise the opportunity you have and give people who have given their time to attend real value.


What you want is for people to come away with a ‘BIG YES FEELING’. What does that mean? Yes, this is someone I like. Yes, this is someone I respect. Yes, this is someone I can work with. Yes, this is someone I’d be happy to recommend. YES.YES.YES. And yes, when someone likes you, they will want to get to know you.  When we get to know someone we like, we want to do business with them. The reality is… we prefer to do business with people we like!

Make no mistake, even if you believe you are not in sales – you are.  We are all selling. All of the time. 

It's only human nature to want to like a person, to feel comfortable with them.  Then we know we can trust them and it is this element, trust, which underpins every relationship personal and professional.

Group Training with Janie and on a ‘One to One’ basis

The strength of the one to one business relationship is what sustains customer loyalty – not the time spent in front of a computer screen, behind an email or text message, all ways in which one can so easily be ‘misunderstood’.

Click to contact Janie directly

Janie Lazar – 086 8572005

Much More Than Words is running a Breakfast Time HR Event on the 18th January 2017 at the Bank of Ireland, Montrose Centre.

Free breakfast + particularly interesting speakers!

email for more



You don’t like selling?

most people think they can’t sell..

and some believe they don’t. the truth is we all sell, all of the time.

Every single day of our lives, we just don’t see it as such.  

Every day of our lives we’re in communication with other people, we need to collaborate with other people, to get other people to work with us effectively, to keep clients doing business with us, to persuade – however indirectly – new clients to work with us too.  We want to show the best side of ourselves so people want to be with us, to work with us. To be at the top of their list !! 

It seems obvious really but building relationships takes serious effort and relationships are built on trust.   But to do this well, you need to keep honing your core communication skills and most people just don’t bother. Those who do are those we believe are people born with a natural ability to sell, but they are just tuned in better.

Selling is based on relationships and it’s about communication.  Communicating in a way which uses your unique interpersonal skills so you can build sustainable professional relationships. And of course personal relationships too.

Like it or note, we sell every day. To Colleagues. Parents are selling when they are with their kids.  In the workplace. At home. Selling involves communicating with people to just get things done.  All this demands communication skills of the highest order. It involves you being at your best

So a few points to remember

The sales process is NOT about YOU… think about what you can do for the person sitting opposite you

You are only as good as the service you give your customers

Without your customers, you don’t have a businesss

Great Customer Service is only part of the unspoken ‘Rule of Engagement’

When you don’t secure a sale, there’s a reason why....  look for it

See ‘Failure’ as an opportunity

People Buy from you because of YOU……

Perhaps MOST important of all..

Remember 2.2.1… you have two eyes, two ears and one mouth for a reason !!

So, in the words of Oscar Wilde, do  “Be yourself, everyone else is taken” and develop your own style that reflects you, whatever language you’re speaking in. It’s part of who you are.

click to request details of the next sales workshop – where you’ll get practical sales advice to help you build on the skills you’ve already have

click here for details of our next MUCH MORE THAN WORDS MINI WORKSHOP – HOW TO PRESENT