Conversation as ‘Currency’ – finally the value of ‘real ‘conversation is being recognised. But is your company simply paying ‘lip service’ or providing useful training?
Whether it’s that mad crazy dialogue inside our heads or chats with people each day, Conversation matters. Connection matters. Being part of a Community matters.

Founder of Much More Than Words, Janie Lazar gave a TEDx talk Conversation Matters in 2017 and in 2018 became the licence holder and Lead Organiser for TEDxDunlaoghaire
Being able to stand up and give a talk or presentation is so much more than words, it’s about talking in a way which makes people want to listen, to really hear your message.
Why don’t more people enjoy speaking in public? Usually because they lack of confidence. And it takes more than a brief workshop. You need to find your focus, you need to build on your strengths. We know ‘the what’, ‘the how’ and work with you to get to the heart of ‘your why‘. We dig keep and get to who you really are and why your message matters. When individuals and organisations focus on building a stronger sense of personal identity especially in a multi-culturally diverse organisation, everything flows more easily. And that, we think that’s a conversation worth having.
Corporates SME’s Individuals
"practical training which exceeded my expectations” "My challenge as organiser was not only to speak well, but to chair a major event we were sponsoring. Janie's help was invaluable." “Now I have the confidence to give a presentation in English to our European Sales Team” LINKED-IN TESTIMONIALS.. Increased Staff Retention * Improved Performance * CREATING A RICHLY DIVERSE CULTURE THROUGH CONVERSATION'