The Workplace as an Emotional Rollercoaster

Human Emotions shape us. They shape us professionally and personally. They also have a stronger influence on our overall performance and satisfaction with life than we care to realize.

In talking with participants of a Much More Than Words workshop we ran back in the Autumn, I was reminded of how strongly I too felt when working overseas about ‘not being who I thought I was’. What I mean by that is that in another country and not being as able to express myself as well as I might in my own language, I somehow felt ‘less’ and undoubtedly lost out, as did the company in different ways.  psst

It was if I had lost part of my identity because I had mentally defined myself by what I did, rather than who I was. I felt as if someone was going to tap me on the shoulder and whisper ‘Psst… what are you doing here’ and that I was an imposter somehow because by the time I opened my mouth to say something, to contribute in team meetings, all too often the conversations moved on before I had a chance.The problem was not that I lacked the ability to speak in French,  but I lacked the confidence to just say what I meant and not worry about speaking perfectly.  I believe it was this lack of confidence in my early working life that led to emotions getting the better of me and working in the world of advertising, I needed to brave up fast, which I did but paid the price, a story or two for another day.

Lack of Confidence can mean missing out 

But I learnt plenty from those early years.  That our experiences and emotions do indeed shape us and as my career progressed, I had a responsibility to those who worked in my teams to make sure how I handled situations didn’t have a detrimental impact like some of my earlier experiences had on me. Whether you are working and speaking in your own language or another, self confidence is key to performance.

January 2017 Event Logo
The first Dublin breakfast event for 2017 – Contact Janie on 087 8572005 or click on image to book your place.

Had I been a stronger, more resilient person and not so self conscious perhaps my ‘strangeness’, my identity as the girl from London could have been used to my advantage, as ‘a wild card’ and I would have played it stronger. But my emotions won and got the better of me.

In the workplace, how we see ourselves and others see us impact hugely on our ability to perform.  How we are treated by our peers and those who lead the organisations we find ourselves in impact in ways previously considered less important perhaps than they are today.

The Organisation as an ‘Emotional Arena’

Dr. Annette Clancy from the Quinn School of Business in UCD  will be sharing invaluable insights on the 18th January, at the first of our Breakfast Events for 2017 to be held at the Bank of Ireland Enterprise Centre, Montrose, Dublin.  If you’re involved in HR or a leadership role and can make it, I feel sure this will be time well spent. If you’d like to know more, you can call me directly on 086 8572005.

simply click here to book your place. 

Places limited. Booking advisable.

On Listening

This blog post by Dr. Annette Clancy, our keynote speaker for January 18th caught my eye

.. Many words will be written on the wind and the sand, or end up in some obscure digital vault. But the storytelling will go on until the last human being stops listening. Then we can send the great chronicle of humanity out into the endless universe.

Who knows? Maybe someone is out there, willing to listen … extract from Dr. Annette Clancy’s blog

Is it really a coincidence that both SILENT and LISTEN contain the same letters? I think not !

click here for details and to book your place

the organisation as an ’emotional arena’

January 2017 Event Logo

Click to contact the Organiser – Janie Lazar

Off the Cuff

When Speaking in Public causes you stress ..

Relax! You’re not alone. More than half the population seems to be terrified at the very thought of being asked to present or speak in public. In fact, many have said they would rather ‘die’ !! You may be surprised to know many of the world’s greatest speeches have been made by introverts, people who choose to Janie Lazar - Coderdojothon 2016manage their stress and present with excitement rather than fear. The good news is you can learn to do the same and learn how to speak and present with confidence. Boosting your English language and Presentation Skills together will make you a more effective communicator, as well as help you with your ability to network for effectively. MMTW Integrated training is available on a one to one and group basis for organisations. As not everyone can avail of training in their workplace, we run ‘Public Workshops’ – with the next for people whose first language isn’t English scheduled for the 5th November 2016. This is an intensive Mini Workshop ‘Preparing to Present’ where participants learn practical communication skills and tips usable in any language.

Click to contact us directly to see how we can help     

the Chinese word ‘wei-chi’ has two meanings: ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’.  It all depends on how you see it.  So when you change your perspective and see speaking in public as an opportunity, we can work to turn that fear into excitement.

Exceeding Expectations at ‘Preparing to Present’ –

Before you book, take a look at  our last Workshop 

Boosting English Language & Essential Communication Skills in the Workplace’ – Hosted by the Bank of Ireland, Grand Canal Square, September 2016

 Exceeded my expectations”, “I learnt a lot of very useful business language”
Now I know how to present myself better in English” 
 Now I have more confidence to stand up and give a presentation in English
“Awesome to have this opportunity”  
Andrea Goldman LANGUAGE COACH with participants
“Without this workshop with Andrea and Janie, I never would have started to learn how to work on my presentations”
This workshop saw participants really connecting, taking the opportunity to present with conviction, making use of the useful appropriate business English they had learnt and with great confidence.We had the most fantastic group, with people from Syria, Korea, Poland, Venezuela, China, Italy and Spain –  the bank was buzzing !
And what did we learn as Facilitators?!

Just how important it is for non native English speakers to be supported by their Employers to help them integrate, engage and contribute even more so their skills can be fully maximised and potential realised.
 One to One or One to Many – It’s all about Connecting

Book me in for the next ‘Preparing to Present’ Workshop

Building language skills with both competency and confidence means employees and and their companies benefit as overall communication skills become even stronger.

Our integrated approach in training leads to greater loyalty, greater work/life satisfaction and has a positive effect on company performance and profitability. A WIN/WIN all round.



Book me in for the next ‘Preparing to Present’ Workshop

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