Key Tips for Preparing Your Presentation

Be courageous enough to pause and give your audience time to think. That means slowing down your points of wisdom to the point that people can hear a penny drop. 

-Ron Arden

I just can’t help it. My nerves get the better of me and my mouth just runs away with me.

Well, I am sorry, you can.   

In training people are always telling me how worried they are about getting all of their information out in the time they have to present, they felt they just want to get it over with and so just rush, rush, rush and so the presentation comes out almost as a stream of unstructured information. Just think about what this means.  The message a poor presenter who rushes through their slide show or talk says quite clearly:-

a) I have not prepared my work well enough to deliver the salient points succinctly

b) I don’t care if people cannot understand what I’m talking about because I’m talking too fast

c) I do not respect my audience sufficiently to give this presentation the way it should be

And the final message he/she is indirectly giving out is  ‘I do not believe that my reputation or that of the organisation I represent is worth upholding.’  OUCH.

Pretty shocking really, isn’t it?

Now, let’s re-write this scenario and imagine a situation where a presentation has been worked on and you conclude your presentation and receive a great heartfelt round of applause – and know you deserve it.  That is such a great feeling and you can achieve such an outcome when you’ve prepared with the audience in mind. Try using this to guide you:-

First Hot Three Tips – For a Successful Presentation 

I’ve given these in ‘3’s’, as this seems to be easier to remember.

Before anything, consider what the objective of your presentation is and ask yourself why you have been asked to deliver it. Then consider your audience, be it of one or to many people.

  1. Who am I presenting to?
  2. What time has been allocated?
  3. What is the most relevant information can I give in the time available 
What you are doing here is 'starting with the end in mind'

Next Steps

Now you know your audience, time and key information for your content, you need to think about:-

  1. The key message
  2. The structure and delivery –  to make it both interesting and appropriate, making sure you have an opening to get people’s attention, enough substance to hold their interest and a strong closing which reminds the audience why you were the right person for this occasion.
  3. The audience ‘take-away’, focusing on 3 key points  –  ‘sound-bites’ or ‘nuggets’ you want your audience to remember
Try mind-mapping to give you an outline - what I call 'the presentation framework'

Now for the Hard Work

  1. The CREATION, writing, editing, souring of images
  2. Continual EDITING ensuring your pitch, pace and strategic use of pauses all add, never distract and only what is useful remains. You may use story telling, or another delivery style to weave together your content to make your presentation flow
  3. Rehearsal, PRACTICE, time and time again.  Refining more and more each time.
this is the magic of 'how' you bring it together to make your presentation flow

It sounds so easy. And it is .. incredibly easy to get it wrong.  Especially when you don’t allow for the PAUSES, you are not giving your audience time to think, time to process the valuable information you have prepared.  When you talk too much and ad-lib, you are likely to move away from your key message and run overtime, disrespecting your hosts and if other speakers are following your speaker slot, your overrun may literally ‘steal’ their time, as they are obliged to keep to the overall schedule and cut their speech or presentation short.  It will nearly always take longer to deliver than you think, so be stringent in your editing. LESS IS MORE.  More memorable, more digestible, more enjoyable. For your audience and for you.  The more experienced you become, the more competent you will be and the more effectively you will be able to move ‘off script’ but as a new presenter, it is best to follow guidelines. The most important thing to remember though, is to be yourself.

If you’d like to work with me on a one to one basis, or are interested in group training for your organisation, click to contact me directly or phone me on 086 8572005.


Click here for details of our January event for HR Professionals



Exceeding Expectations at ‘Preparing to Present’ –

Before you book, take a look at  our last Workshop 

Boosting English Language & Essential Communication Skills in the Workplace’ – Hosted by the Bank of Ireland, Grand Canal Square, September 2016

 Exceeded my expectations”, “I learnt a lot of very useful business language”
Now I know how to present myself better in English” 
 Now I have more confidence to stand up and give a presentation in English
“Awesome to have this opportunity”  
Andrea Goldman LANGUAGE COACH with participants
“Without this workshop with Andrea and Janie, I never would have started to learn how to work on my presentations”
This workshop saw participants really connecting, taking the opportunity to present with conviction, making use of the useful appropriate business English they had learnt and with great confidence.We had the most fantastic group, with people from Syria, Korea, Poland, Venezuela, China, Italy and Spain –  the bank was buzzing !
And what did we learn as Facilitators?!

Just how important it is for non native English speakers to be supported by their Employers to help them integrate, engage and contribute even more so their skills can be fully maximised and potential realised.
 One to One or One to Many – It’s all about Connecting

Book me in for the next ‘Preparing to Present’ Workshop

Building language skills with both competency and confidence means employees and and their companies benefit as overall communication skills become even stronger.

Our integrated approach in training leads to greater loyalty, greater work/life satisfaction and has a positive effect on company performance and profitability. A WIN/WIN all round.



Book me in for the next ‘Preparing to Present’ Workshop

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You don’t like selling?

most people think they can’t sell..

and some believe they don’t. the truth is we all sell, all of the time.

Every single day of our lives, we just don’t see it as such.  

Every day of our lives we’re in communication with other people, we need to collaborate with other people, to get other people to work with us effectively, to keep clients doing business with us, to persuade – however indirectly – new clients to work with us too.  We want to show the best side of ourselves so people want to be with us, to work with us. To be at the top of their list !! 

It seems obvious really but building relationships takes serious effort and relationships are built on trust.   But to do this well, you need to keep honing your core communication skills and most people just don’t bother. Those who do are those we believe are people born with a natural ability to sell, but they are just tuned in better.

Selling is based on relationships and it’s about communication.  Communicating in a way which uses your unique interpersonal skills so you can build sustainable professional relationships. And of course personal relationships too.

Like it or note, we sell every day. To Colleagues. Parents are selling when they are with their kids.  In the workplace. At home. Selling involves communicating with people to just get things done.  All this demands communication skills of the highest order. It involves you being at your best

So a few points to remember

The sales process is NOT about YOU… think about what you can do for the person sitting opposite you

You are only as good as the service you give your customers

Without your customers, you don’t have a businesss

Great Customer Service is only part of the unspoken ‘Rule of Engagement’

When you don’t secure a sale, there’s a reason why....  look for it

See ‘Failure’ as an opportunity

People Buy from you because of YOU……

Perhaps MOST important of all..

Remember 2.2.1… you have two eyes, two ears and one mouth for a reason !!

So, in the words of Oscar Wilde, do  “Be yourself, everyone else is taken” and develop your own style that reflects you, whatever language you’re speaking in. It’s part of who you are.

click to request details of the next sales workshop – where you’ll get practical sales advice to help you build on the skills you’ve already have

click here for details of our next MUCH MORE THAN WORDS MINI WORKSHOP – HOW TO PRESENT