What do I mean by this? More than just the physical aspects of making your message heard and do remember this may simply be putting forward your opinion. I mean taking courage in both head and heart. There are occasions which can be intimidating and I for one have experienced many where I have been reticent, reluctant and slow to voice not only an opinion, but my opinion. Today I had one such instance which reminded me that our thoughts lead our emotions – and it is when we allow these thoughts to take control that we ourselves lose control. The question is, who takes control, you or your crazy mind! My way of rationalising something is to quickly decide ‘is it doing me any good thinking about this’. So I take myself through a ‘quickfire’ process of rationalisation and say to myself, GOOD. BAD. BIF. GONE. By putting some sense around what I’m feeling I am instantly back in the red hot seat of control. Try it. Be aware of it. It works…