Lack of Confidence can mean missing out
I learnt plenty from my early years of working. Mainly that training is different now. Our needs as human beings are recognised. Looking back, I can see the inadvertent and destructive way in which I was given feedback succeeded only in knocking me back, which is why I so strongly believe that the workplace is indeed an emotional arena and every possible support needs to be given. Yes, our experiences and emotions do indeed shape us and perhaps as confident as the ‘millenials’ may appear to be, they need all the help available to really connect. On-line is not the same as ‘Off-line’. and the work needed in building self awareness is an individual continuous journey.
Dr. Annette Clancy, Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour at UCD College of Business shares invaluable insights as our key note speaker at our first Breakfast Meeting of 2017 for HR Specialists and people involved in Leadership roles. Book now
This event is kindly hosted by the Bank of Ireland at the new Enterprise Lounge at UCD, Montrose. Registration from 7.45 for 8am Start. Event ends c. 9.30. Join us for lively discussion around what we believe really matters.
Whether you are working and speaking in your own language or another, speaking from experience I can say hand on heart, self confidence is key to performance.