Retrospect, Introspect and Perspective

Whilst there’s a lot of good talk these days about self reflection and evaluation, I can’t help but wonder if we were to get to know ourselves better and sought to understand what makes other people tick, life could and would be so much easier. With the benefit of R.I.P., this is my ‘take’ on Retrospect, Introspect and Perspective, a vital stage I believe in letting go and moving on to make sense of what should be a simple process!

Of course it can be hard work.  Good things take time and great things even longer. Some say we think too much.  Perhaps. I see it not so much as ‘thinking’, more a case of ‘processing’. Never reflecting denies me the opportunity to do things better. I’ve learnt to love having the opportunity to look at things from a different perspective, to try to understand how things look from someone else’s standpoint – especially if there’s been an unresolved issue and let’s be honest here, we all have a few of those.  When I look at what’s happened, how I handled something, I wouldn’t say I am brooding or being over analytical, just as objective as I can be about what actually happened. IMG_0355According to Myers-Briggs, I am an ENFP and at this stage of my life I am it seems, falling true to type, that is to say enjoying more time to myself, quiet time. So is this being introspective?  If I can do this effectively, I’d say it is more about being able to competently and more confidently share experiences, my experience with the benefit of hindsight, perspective and the benefit of learning. As with all forms of personality profiling, if we were to ‘boost’ our social/interpersonal skills, be more curious about other people rather than chasing the clock,  to focus on what really matters, then perhaps, just perhaps, we’d all have a better perspective on life.

But there again,I guess  it depends on what you expect to see at the end of your rainbow!

Much More Than Words is running a Breakfast Time HR Event on the 18th January 2017 at the Bank of Ireland, Montrose Centre.

Free breakfast + interesting speakers!

For more details contact:


Author: janie lazar

Janie Lazar is at heart a ChangeMaker. As a qualified Executive and Personal Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, Speaker and Writer, her work with professionals has a focus on Communication, specialising in working with senior management and in particular with those whose first language is NOT English. With Andrea Goldman in 2016, Janie piloted workshops to evaluate the needs of international professionals working in Ireland, resulting in an Integrated Approach to Professional Development for non-native English Speakers in the Workplace.

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