Before you book, take a look at our last Workshop
‘Boosting English Language & Essential Communication Skills in the Workplace’ – Hosted by the Bank of Ireland, Grand Canal Square, September 2016

Now I know how to present myself better in English”
“Now I have more confidence to stand up and give a presentation in English”
“Awesome to have this opportunity”

“Without this workshop with Andrea and Janie, I never would have started to learn how to work on my presentations”
This workshop saw participants really connecting, taking the opportunity to present with conviction, making use of the useful appropriate business English they had learnt and with great confidence.We had the most fantastic group, with people from Syria, Korea, Poland, Venezuela, China, Italy and Spain – the bank was buzzing !
And what did we learn as Facilitators?!
Just how important it is for non native English speakers to be supported by their Employers to help them integrate, engage and contribute even more so their skills can be fully maximised and potential realised.
One to One or One to Many – It’s all about Connecting

Book me in for the next ‘Preparing to Present’ Workshop
Building language skills with both competency and confidence means employees and and their companies benefit as overall communication skills become even stronger.

Our integrated approach in training leads to greater loyalty, greater work/life satisfaction and has a positive effect on company performance and profitability. A WIN/WIN all round.