
It all began with a conversation over a cup of coffee..

Like all good ideas, they take time to develop and where they start is not always where they settle.  Certainly nothing stays the same in the world of business, especially when people are your business.  Much More than Words came about informally as Owner Janie Lazar worked with people in different countries and of different nationalities.  A combination of life and opportune educational experiences too has added to the depth of knowledge which now add to the quality of service MMTW now offers.


Much More than Words the core philosophy reflects our need as human beings for connection and the need to understand ourselves as individuals if we are to be effective team players within our place of work. Sometimes this  can require ‘One to One Coaching’ and at others ‘Group Training’.   Either way, it involves thinking differently, often creatively to encourage more open dialogue and innovation in the workplace.


Earlier in 2016, with Ireland becoming ever more multicultural place, the need for an effective and efficient program for professionals became apparent. To enhance the service MMTW offers, an interesting conversation over coffee began a collaboration leading to the development of an Integrated Program with Andrea Goldman, Owner of Teacher Perfect Ireland, specifically designed for professionals for whom English is not the first language.  A program which would not only strengthen Core Communication Skills but also Language Competency and is now available, offering both one to one and group training, giving misc dec 09 003 COFFEE added value to HR Training Managers with the simultaneous provision of language learning as well as effective communication and presentation skills. .

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