a little information on Janie Lazar

In a nutshell, Janie Lazar is an accredited Executive Business Coach, Tedx Speaker and Experienced Trainer.  Having travelled and trained as far afield as New Zealand and Fiji, she’s worked with CEO’s and teams in larger organisations, as well individual business owners and private individuals on a one to one basis.

Recognising the need for Creative thinking and Enterpreneurship skills, Janie has ensured inclusion of these essential skills into the Much More Than Words Personal Development Program she leads to run alongside Coaching Professionals.


What’s happened is that organisations wishing to offer international employees who are Non-Native Language Speakers specialised training which both upskills and simultaneously boosts language competency and confidence are finding this adds value as it maximises performance through an individual’s personal development. In Ireland this program runs in English as the common language amongst non-native language speakers. And everybody benefits. Inside the workplace and out in our communities.

Being able to communicate effectively as part of a team, having a collaborative attitude and the confidence to use one’s intellect freely can make all the difference in the world.  

Technology may be facilitating our working lives BUT Janie strongly believes nothing will ever replace our fundamental need for connection.  Everything we do in life involves communication and collaboration.  Having the confidence to network effectively, to build sustainable professional relationships, to speak in public, to make presentations are essential skills and to be valued by every company, regardless of size.

Recognising how important it is for professionals for whom English is not the first language to settle into the workplace in Ireland, she set up The MultiCultural Exchange in February 2017.

to contact Janie
